The Chick Behind the Brand
I know, I know… it looks a little lengthy, and if you’re anything like me if it looks too lengthy and it doesn’t grasp me quickly, I’ll click it and quit it, but I promise you’ll enjoy it and finish feeling like you know me a little more.
Having you here, for starters, interested in my brand and interested in me means more than you’ll ever know!
Let’s get into the deets.

My name is Keisha, born and raised in Houston, Texas currently residing in Southern California soaking up all the benefits of being able to catch a morning mountain hike and laying out at the beach by the end of the day. But, I would definitely like to consider myself a Modern-Day Southern Belle.
My love language is anything smothered, baked mac-and-cheese, barbeque, loud laughter, dancing and music.  You’ll definitely hear me belt out an occasional y’all in any setting.

My family is small, but carries the weight of an army. I am the daughter of two dope individuals. I get my witty sense of humor and hardworking demeanor from my Dad and my gentleness and tenacity from my Mom. I am also the sister to an amazing younger brother, and a "Nannie" to his 4 children, a very active God-mother, last but not least a wife to a very supportive husband.

Somehow along the journey through my 20’s, I managed to survive being an Operation Director and Acquisition Liaison for a major Fortune 5 organization for 11+ years. Yep, that part of my life was exactly what it sounds like stressful and rewarding, but I wouldn’t change any of it. It forged me by fire and molded me into the entrepreneur I am today.
True North is very personal to me and it has its own story and depth.
If you’re new to the True North journey, check out “About True North” to learn even more about me and what True North is grounded in.

Now that we're acquainted, I simply want to say THANK YOU for trusting the integrity of my brand as you build your own.

Welcome to True North Family